Woodland Scenics 927 The Scenery Kit

Woodland Scenics 927 The Scenery Kit
Item# 785-927
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

Build a 10" x 18" (25.4 cm x 45.7 cm) HO scale diorama and learn easy terrain and landscape modeling techniques that you can apply to your future models and layouts. This kit includes: complete step-by-step instructions, pre-cut hardboard sides, Plaster Cloth, Rock Castings, Culvert, Lightweight Hydrocal®*, four colors of Earth Colors™ Liquid Pigment, Scenic Cement™, Track-Bed, Hob-e-Tac®, Adhesive, Ballast, HO scale track (others can be substituted), five colors of Turf, two colors of Clump-Foliage™, three realistic Tree Armatures, Talus, Poly Fiber and Field Grass. Display an engine or piece of rolling stock on the finished diorama. Saves over purchasing items separately.

Train not included.

*Hydrocal® is U.S. Gypsum registered trademark.

4 Pre-cut side frames: 1/8" thick hardboard

5 Corner Blocks

1 Pre-cut Sub-roadbed piece: ¼" thick hardboard

5 sq ft. Plaster Cloth

1 Strip of 3 Earth Color â„¢Liquid Pigments 1 fl oz Earth Undercoat Liquid Pigment

1 Concrete Culvert Casting

1 Scenic Sprayer Head

1 bottle 8 fl oz Scenic Cement

4.5 oz Lightweight Hydrocal

2 Craft Sticks

4 Rock Castings from Rock Mold C1234

1 Foam pad applicator

18'' track - HO scale Track-Bedâ„¢

1 fl oz Hob-e-Tac® Adhesive

3 cu in Gray Blend Ballast

9 cu in Green Blend Turf

3 cu in Burnt Grass Fine Turf

3 cu in Yellow Grass Fine Turf

3 cu in Soil Fine Turf

3 cu in Earth Fine Turf

3 cu in Medium Green Coarse Turf

13.5 cu in Medium Green Clump-Foliageâ„¢

13.5 cu in Dark Green Clump-Foliage

2 oz Talus -Brown Fine/Medium Mix

1 gr Green Poly Fiber

3 Tree Armatures - height 2 ½" - 3"

3 g Light Green Field Grass
